About Us


Elder Edward and Mother Mary Overton Founders
Elder Edward and Mother Mary Overton Founders

Founder, Elder Edward Overton, was born on October 4, 1922, in Greensburg, Louisiana, to the Late Fred and Daisy Overton. Co-founder, Mary E. Sutton, his wife, was born on January 3, 1923, to the Late Jestine and John Sutton in Greensburg, Louisiana. The Overton’s were joined in holy matrimony in 1943.   In 1946, as a young couple, they moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and worshipped at Holy Temple Church of God in Christ under the leadership of the Late Bishop O.T. Jones, Sr.


However, in 1956, Brother Edward Overton was called to ministry, and ordained an Elder. It was sometime shortly, thereafter, that Elder Overton was  joined and supported by his spouse, Mary Overton, who together responded to the call of God to minister in Norristown. The call was to establish a “Church of God in Christ” in the Borough of Norristown. According to Elder Overton, “the call was distinct and clear.” Nonetheless, Elder Overton’s desire was to be in God’s more perfect will so Elder Overton sought out to confirm the call. The confirmation became evident after Elder Overton started traveling from Philadelphia to Norristown for several months, whereby, he prayerfully sat in his parked car earnestly waiting to hear from the Lord.


After becoming very certain of God’s call, Elder Overton began to minister on the street corners of Norristown. He often preached to children and adults on Lafayette Street. As he preached, many children would run alongside him in the streets to hear him proclaim the gospel as Sister Overton sang gospel songs. Soon, there were others from Holy Temple who inspired and helped him in ministry. Others who joined the Overton’s included the faithful help of Mother Candy, Sister Susie, and Elder John Bailey. As they did, the new ministry began to flourish.


In December 1961 the ministry began to formalize. Regular meetings were held at 518 Green Street in Norristown. It was at this location which Theist Temple Church of God in Christ was formally organized by Elder and Mrs. Edward Overton although they had no members. But as they served, and patiently waited on God, after 18 months of services the membership grew to twenty (20) members and the small place where they were meeting became too small. And as God promised, it was this pioneering group of dedicated saints who banned together using all their collective resources and means followed Elder Overton as God directed him. It was not long before the small congregation had gathered enough funds to acquire the current location at 535 East Marshall Street location which included the church and parsonage.


At the founding of Theist Temple Church, the Officers who served the church ministry included:


Elder Edward Overton
Deacon Louis O. Matthews, Sr.
Deacon Thomas Etheridge, Sr.
Deacon John Knight, Sr.
Trustee Dennis McKay
Trustee Richard Roane
Trustee Christopher Williams
Delore McKay, Church Clerk


After establishing the church on Marshall and High Streets the vision of the ministry grew to include a Child Day Care Center which began with five (5) children. But in a short time, the center grew to become the largest child development center in Montgomery County. Mother Overton served as the director and general consultant until her passing. During the ensuing years Elder Overton’s health declined. He retired from the ministry in 1998. Elder Clarence Johnson succeeded Elder Overton. However, Elder Johnson—in the best interest of his wife whose health was failing—had to give up the church pastorate and moved back to their home in New York to give care to his wife.


Subsequently, Elder Abraham Wade, Jr., was called upon to fill in as the interim pastor. Elder Wade started in July 2006. He was later selected and officially installed as the permanent Pastor. Elder Wade was joined by his wife, Evangelist Gloria Brown-Wade. Together, they served the ministry until late in December 2015 at which time Pastor Wade retired from the ministry.

In April 2016, Elder Robert E.C. Jones, Jr., was called upon to serve as the interim pastor at Theist Temple. The local church and community embraced him, and his wife Sister Juanita M. Jones, in servanthood. From the time of their arrival, they served valiantly, faithfully, and unselfishly under the direction of our Almighty God, under the oversight of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Church of God in Christ, Bishop Benjamin J. Ravenel, Sr., Prelate. Elder Jones quickly recognized the passion of servanthood rendered by the band of saints at Theist Temple and affectionately referred to this remnant of believers as “The Passionate Church.” On December 16, 2016, at the request of the local congregation a formal voting was cast and by unanimous vote and the endorsement of an executive team representing the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Elder Robert E.C. Jones, Jr., was officially installed as the Shepherd and Pastor of the Theist Temple local assembly.


In celebration of appointment, Theist Temple Church of God in Christ, along with a large constituency of Church of God in Christ leaders, other Jurisdictional church congregants, family and friends, local community leaders, and Norristown Borough representatives all gathered to ceremonially install Elder Robert E.C. Jones, Jr., as Pastor, Theist Temple Church of God in Christ, on Saturday, May 27, 2017. Since that time, Pastor and Lady Juanita Jones have continued to serve and lead the local congregation into a new era, currently, occupying the original church site. To God be the glory.

mailing address

PO Box 147 Norristown, PA. 19404